Welcome to GNACC
The Ghana National Association of Certificated Counsellors (GNACC) was established in the year 2017, to serve as a voice of Counsellors in Ghana, and to also promote the provision of quality and professional counselling services to anyone, anytime and anywhere. Since its establishment, the Association has contributed significantly to the professional development of Counsellors across Ghana, with key strides made in organizing strategic workshops and training programmes for its members, as well providing timely counselling support to individuals, groups and communities.

These are training programmes organized by the Association, with the aim of building the professional capacity of members, and helping them keep up with the Ghana Psychological Council (GPC) required standards.

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A live theraphy Session
with Jamie Snow
Understanding The Mind
The conscious mind .01
includes sensations, perceptions, memories, feelings, and fantasies inside of our current awareness.
The preconscious mind .02
includes those thoughts that we are thinking at the moment but can easily draw into our conscious mind
The subconscious mind .03
is the psychic activity that operates below the level of awareness.
The conscious mind
preconscious mind
subconscious mind
suicidal mind
04. Early-life stress affects the mind
Abuse, neglect, and harsh or inconsistent discipline in early life increase the risk of depression and anxiety as well as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
05. Suicidal Mind
Psychologists have noted that in the mind of suicidal people, time seemed to move significantly slower. The suicidal mind also had a more difficult time thinking about the future
06. The memory
When the mind recalls a memory, it’s not the original memory. In fact, the act of remembering is an act of creative reimagination. The put-together memory doesn’t just have a few holes; it also has some entirely new bits pasted in.
Message From President
Thank you for visiting the website of the Ghana National Association of Certificated Counsellors (GNACC). On behalf of the National leadership and all members, I welcome you into the family of compassionate, professional and certificated Counsellors in Ghana.
We have you at heart and we are more than prepared to listen to you and walk through with you on any pressing issue that you wish to overcome. As a professional association, all our Counsellors are well equipped to uphold the ethical standards of the counselling practice.
Be assured of confidentiality, good care, informed consent and priority of your best interest. We therefore encourage you to speak out and share your concerns because our members are of diverse specialties. Once you let us know your concerns, you will be connected to a Counsellor who is specialized in your area of concern.
GNACC!! We make counselling services accessible, commendable and satisfying. We shall surely transform your mind and heart, so you can be happy in life. Once again, welcome and stay safe!
GNACC – National President
The membership of the Association consists of:
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